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전공소개(Introduce about Major)

Towards Global Eminence.

The Importance of Global Leadership in Sustainable Development
The Importance of global leadership is increasing in the pursuit of sustainable development through the spread of the 4th Industrial Revolution and resolution of global problems such as climate change.

Service Innovation in the Global Hospitality & Tourism Industry
Department of Global Hospitality & Tourism will be newly established in 2024 to foster global knowledge, skills and competence necessary for global hospitality and tourism sector.
Recently, the service innovation in the global hospitality & tourism has reached its peak as service intelligence and personalization have been activated due to the changes in the Information Communications Technologies (ICTs) environment, digital social environment, Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as Chat GPT, and Google Bard. Therefore, it is essential to meet understanding in the business environment changes and creative convergence capabilities to contact customers’ expectations.

Multidisciplinary Global Education Programs
The Department of Global Hospitality & Tourism will provide the convergence and integrated core education programs with flexible academic programs through multidisciplinary systems in various fields such as humanities, society, content, technology, culture, art and information technology. All education will be educatedconduct in English. The Department of Global Hospitality & Tourism is a new and innovative department that will prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the global hospitality and tourism industry in the 21st century. The department's focus on global leadership, service innovation, and multidisciplinary education will give students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in this exciting and dynamic field.  

취업진로(Career Path and Development)

Department of Global Hospitality & Tourism strives to perform the Kyung Hee University’s motto of “Towards Global Eminence”.
Our education program is designed to enable graduates to meet the practical challenges of managing dynamic careers in the hospitality & tourism sector such as global hotels & resort, service industries, tourism public sectors, global platform companies, International tourism organizer, content development & creators, data analyst, regulation laws & governance, and education sectors. In particular, Kyung Hee University ranked at global top 50 by academic ranking of world Universities 2022 in the field of hospitality & tourism management, the college is a world-class research and teaching institution. Global Hospitality & Tourism has dedicated, award-winning faculty members committed to helping students pursue their learning & career goal.



1. Academic Staff

2. Teaching Staff

서울캠퍼스 02447 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 호텔관광대학